Advantages of an Open Adoption

Woman and child

Research shows that some level of openness in an adoption almost always benefits everyone involved. Learn more about the advantages:

Benefits for the Birth Mother 

For expectant moms, there are numerous benefits to choosing an open arrangement. With an open or semi-open adoption, a birth mother gains:

  • A sense of control over who is chosen to raise the child.
  • Comfort in knowing about the child’s safety and well-being.
  • Support when struggling with feelings of grief and loss.
  • A personal relationship with the child and the adoptive parents.
  • Greater satisfaction and peace of mind about the adoption.

Advantages for the Child

Open adoption plans are advantageous for adopted children, too. The positives to this type of arrangement for a child include:

  • Links to the birth mother, their relatives, and their family history.
  • A connection to their ethnic background and cultural heritage.
  • Increased self-worth and security in knowing more about their identity.
  • A grasp of the situation, easing feelings of shame and abandonment.
  • Easy access to necessary medical information about the birth family. 

Benefits for the Adoptive Parents

After considering the matter, most adoptive parents realize that an open arrangement is in their best interests. This is because they enjoy:

  • The confidence in parenting that comes with being chosen.
  • Peace of mind in understanding everyone’s role in the adoption.
  • Less fear regarding the future intentions of the birth mother.
  • The ability to develop an ongoing relationship with the birth family.
  • A wider circle of love and support for their adopted child.

Open Adoption Services in Jacksonville, FL

Effective communication allows everyone to work together to create a mutually agreeable arrangement. At Shorstein & Kelly, our team assists birth parents and adoptive families in developing positive boundaries appropriate for each unique situation. Contact us today for more information about creating an open adoption plan.

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