How Much Does Adoption Cost a Birth Mother in Jacksonville, FL?

Pregnant Woman

An unplanned pregnancy can be a seriously stressful life event. If you’re facing this situation and aren’t ready to be a parent, adoption is an option – but is it financially feasible? How much does adoption cost a birth mother?

Adoption is a journey that comes with many uncertainties for birth mothers. However, the expense doesn’t need to be a concern. In Jacksonville, Florida, placing a child with an adoptive family is free for the expectant mother. 

Pregnant women who choose adoption are entitled to financial assistance, both during the pregnancy and for up to six weeks after giving birth. Contact us today if you’d like more insight into the benefits of adoption, including having all birth mother adoption costs and living expenses paid.  

Our team includes board-certified adoption attorneys, highly skilled adoption advisors, and counselors, all of whom have expertise in working with birth parents. If you’re dealing with an unplanned pregnancy and are considering adoption, we’re ready to help. You can count on us to:

  • Discuss your financial situation and create a plan to cover all the costs associated with the pregnancy and the adoption.
  • Provide professional counseling services while you’re pregnant and up to a year after the adoption has been finalized.
  • Protect your privacy, keeping every conversation confidential while treating you with respect, compassion, and kindness.

Call or text us anytime for all the information you need to make a sound decision about your future. Our friendly team is happy to help, and if you’d like to have an in-person conversation, we’ll even provide transportation.

If you have other questions or concerns, Shorstein & Kelly is here for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact us today!

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